Consulting & Services
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I offer a full range of professional audio and creative technology services. Contact me to discuss your needs info at
[highlight bg=”#222″ color=”#fff”]Film Services[/highlight]
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- Sound Recordist
- Boom Operator
- Sound Designer
- Scoring
[highlight bg=”#222″ color=”#fff”]Music Services[/highlight]
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- Audio Engineer
- Mixing
- CD Mastering
- Vintage Audio Archiving and Digitization
- Project and Equipment Consulting
[highlight bg=”#222″ color=”#fff”]Music Composition Services[/highlight]
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- Film Scoring
- Electroacoustic Music for Concert
- Pieces for live instrument and fixed media
- Laptop Performance
[highlight bg=”#222″ color=”#fff”]Software and Hardware Services[/highlight]
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- Custom audio, interactive, and video software written in the Max/MSP/Jitter language
- Performance Interface and Sensor Design
- Computer Vision Interfaces
[highlight bg=”#222″ color=”#fff”]Computer Services[/highlight][list style=”check”]
- System Configuration
- Hardware and Software Consulting
- Data Retrieval and Recovery
[highlight bg=”#222″ color=”#fff”]Training and Instruction Services – Individual or Classroom – Beginner to Professional Level[/highlight][list style=”check”]
- Computer Hardware and Software on Apple, Windows, or Linux
- Arduinos, Basic Stamps, sensors and basic electronics
- Max/MSP/Jitter Programming – MIDI, Audio and Video processing
- Electroacoustic Music Composition – Soundscape and Acousmatic Music
- Film Sound Design – practical and theoretical instruction
- Audio Engineering and Recording
- Interactive Art, Electronic Art, Sound Art, Radio Art and Installations
- Listening and Creative Sound Production
- Music Software and Hardware – Nuendo, ProTools, Cubase, Reaper, Audacity, Ableton Live, etc.
- Audio Safety